Can Dehydration Cause ADHD? – Holistic Medical Services United, LLC

can dehydration cause ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most widespread conditions, and the causes may indeed include genes, and the environment. For the past few years, the connection between ADHD and the general lifestyle of a person, as well as the psychological symptoms of the disorder, have become a subject of study. One interesting […]

Does Depression Cause Memory Loss? – Holistic Medical Service­s United LLC

does depression cause memory loss

Have­ you found it hard to remember things late­ly? Like forget why you came to a room or missing out on some important work details? This might not be unusual if you’re battling de­pression.  But does depression cause memory loss? Noticing symptoms like these can seem frightening to you, but understanding depression and its impact […]

Is PTSD a Disability? – Holistic Medical Services United, LLC

Is PTSD a Disability

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) se­ems like a huge hurdle­ influencing all aspects of daily living for many people­. Commonly, people ask—Is PTSD a disability? In short – yes. Under certain conditions, PTSD is le­gally acknowledged as a disability. G rasping what classifies PTSD as a disability and its e­valuation process can offer much-nee­ded clarity and […]

How to Focus with ADHD without Medication ?

how to focus with ADHD without medication

Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) makes it hard to focus. Distractions are frequent. Time slips away. Tasks can be easily forgotten. Medication does help many managing ADHD, but it’s not the only answer. Wondering “how to focus with ADHD without medication?” There are many tactics to try. Explore various methods, treatments, and lifestyle changes. […]

Do I Have an Eating Disorder ?

Do I have an eating disorder

Have you ever considered, “Do I have an eating disorder?” It’s a crucial inquiry to explore. Eating disorders are not mere whims; they’re a serious sorcery of the mind. They distort our relationship with food and body image. Eating disorders influence the body, brain, and routine activities. Eating disorders can be confusing and scary. It’s […]

Can Anxiety Cause Chest Pain?

Can anxiety cause chest pain

Chest discomfort often signals anxiety. It is a surprise. It extends beyond just worry and fear. Such discomfort is common during anxious periods. Numerous individuals with anxiety describe abrupt chest discomfort. They link these to mental stress. If you’ve been asking yourself, “Can anxiety cause chest pain?” the reply is yes. Let’s explore why this […]

What Is the Best Medication for Anxiety and Depression?

Best Medication for Anxiety and Depression

Persistent despair or worry can dim life’s joys. If these feelings last, anxiety or depression might be involved. You may struggle to focus, lose interest, and find it hard to sleep. But don’t lose hope; effective treatments are out there. Just reach out to rediscover your joy. With support, better days are ahead. Doctors frequently […]

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Mood Swings ?

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Mood Swings

High blood pressure affects many Americans. People know a lot about its physical problems, but they often overlook its impact on mental well-being. This silent danger damages both the body and the mind. It creates a mix of health problems that people often leave untreated. A fundamental question appears, “Can high blood pressure cause mood […]

Can You Grow Out of OCD?

Can You Grow Out of OCD

OCD means Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It influences individuals of every age. Children, teens, and adults experience it. A typical inquiry is, “Can you grow out of OCD?” Kids and teens frequently start showing indications of OCD. Some see their symptoms reduce as they age, while others require lifelong help. Let’s break down OCD, its workings, its […]

Can You Have BPD and PTSD at the Same Time?

Can You Have BPD and PTSD at the Same Time

People dealing with mental health troubles need to grasp how various conditions may mingle and influence their overall health. A familiar inquiry is, “Can you have BPD and PTSD at the same time?” Giving a definite answer gets tough because, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are complicated, with symptoms often being […]